
If I have left a note at your door then I think your property might be suitable for the current project I am working on.



I would like to make arrangements to drop by your space and photograph it.

The process usually works like this:

I photograph your home (these photos are for reference only and not for publication)

The photographs are shown with other suitable locations to the different creative heads (Director, Production Designer, Cinematographer etc.)

After some favorites have been chosen, the creative heads (between 3 -7 usually) are taken on a survey of the potential locations. There is usually a van and coffee involved.

This is repeated until a filming location is chosen.

At this time the Location Manager makes arrangements for a meeting to discuss filming arrangements. Scroll down for more info on the process.


Most Common Questions Asked

  • What's Involved? How does this work?

    • Scroll down to the next section below "Filming at Your Home"

  • How much will I/we get paid?

    • It varies. Each film has different needs to be met as well as each location and it's owners do. Costs will vary depending on the amount of time needed, the type of filming required and the effect on the owner / tenant/ or business affiliated with the location.

  • Will I need to leave my home during filming?

    • In most cases yes. A film set is a work site. It is very difficult to live on a work site. If a hotel room is needed the production pays for it.

  • How do I get more interest in filming in my home?

    • There are several location listing services in Ontario but I usually refer people to get in touch with the Ontario Media Development Corporation. They have an extensive location library that most film scouts visit first. (see more info on links page)

  • What happens if my place gets damaged?

    • We fix it.

    • Or pay for the damage.

  • What happens to the photographs of my location after you have finished the project?

    • They are kept in my own library for future projects. When beginning any project I search my own library first. Before photos are shown I will contact you to check on availability. None of the photo's are used in publication. (Any used on this site are with approval of location owner.)

    • If you are interested I will donate them to the Ontario Film Commission Location Library for other Location Scouts and Managers to find.

  • What about COVID-19?

    • At the moment there are no restrictions or practices regarding Covid-19. If you or your family have health concerns please let me know.

    We make our living by being able to film in Toronto and the rest of Southern Ontario. We don't measure our worth in how many homes we can find but in how many homes and neighbourhoods we are readily welcomed back to.

If your space is chosen


The following happens:

  • Measurements are taken of your home / business

  • Technical Survey - before the first day of filming the different department heads visit all of the filming locations to see them first hand. There will be approx 20-30 people. Don't be surprised if they arrive in a bus. )

  • Director's Blocking - arrangements may be made for the Director to visit your home with or without the actors to block the scenes (to determine how they will shoot them.)

  • Logistics - Neighbours may be asked for access for lighting or camera positions.

  • Notification to the neighbours - normally a week before filming. If there is night filming or the neighbourhood has had filming recently then the film company may be required to canvass the neighbourhood and produce signatures from them.

  • Film permit applied for and acquired. Most municipalities have some form of permit required for filming activities. Some are specific film permits, others are special event or road occupancy permits.

  • Preparation (AKA Prep or Dress days) - A small crew (between 5 - 20) will prepare your home for filming (this may involve as little as moving around the furniture and hanging a few pictures OR it could involve painting, gardening, placing of fake walls (flats), laying of lighting cable, pre-lighting, and / or stunt rigging..)

  • Protection - before the main crew arrives the location is covered in mats, cardboard and bubble wrap to help minimize any wear and tear.

  • Clearing of parking for trucks - that means cones on the street (normally)

  • If you haven't left your home by now then this is usually when you would - some locations are big enough or have locked off areas that may allow for people to stay in their home during a shoot but normally you will need to stay with loved ones or be put in a hotel. (It is near impossible to get ready for work / school with a film crew in your home).

  • Filming at a business varies with the type of business. Normally a store or restaurant is closed on the filming day.

  • Filming - The average TV series or Film Crew has between 70 - 120 crew members. Not all of them are on the actual location during filming but there is a lot of activity during a shoot.

  • Reinstatement (AKA Wrap days). Removal of all sets and dressing, cleaning, repainting etc. Everything back where we found it as we found it.

  • Inspection - Location Manager & Owner inspect the location together and insure that the Owner is happy.